Back at the Ranch

The wondrous world of Wendy Henry starts to unfold when you reach the back door parking lot where her white Mercedes is stationed. The Albuquerque license plate spells the name ‘Wendy’. Simple. Like Cher. Or Madonna. She had been very… READ MORE

April 15, 2015 / 9 Comments

Until Being Strong is the Only Choice You Have

When perfect strangers start buying and sporting T-shirts with your head on it, you know you’re onto something. And when that head is unapologetically bald and raised high, the people’s intent is undeniably collateral. Tara Papanicolas launched her t-shirt campaign last winter,… READ MORE

April 9, 2015 / 1 Comment

Makes Me Want to Picnic

There’s this cool little clique in LA. When you look at one Instagram account you will find exactly one degree of separation with the next. You can get lost for hours in this pretty-young-things network, jumping between all these groovy profiles of girls and… READ MORE

March 31, 2015 / 5 Comments

Sunny With the Right Shades

It’s spring in Milan. What earlier felt like a biting, frosty chill, is nothing more than a pleasant breeze now. The sun, despite being at her most fragile and barely dry, is pushing courageously against the remnants of the Italian… READ MORE

March 15, 2015 / 7 Comments

Little Moments of Fuck You

Seven girls, five bottles of wine, three sheepskin rugs, a sleeping dog and a crackling fire. It’s the stuff chick flicks are made of. But this gathering has all the trappings of a sorcerer’s circle, with philosophical, spiritual and herbal banter bouncing around the room… READ MORE

January 22, 2015 / 6 Comments

Meanwhile at the Ramones Ranch

The first indication is the house I am standing in front of. It is pink: a bright, unapologetic, screaming, pepto-bismol pink. With prairie green roof and window trimmings, candy canes planted on the front lawn and life size figurines depicting the Nativity of Jesus… READ MORE

January 7, 2015 / 10 Comments

Non Basel Stuff

I’ve been holding my breath all morning. From the moment I woke up, while I was eating my goat cheese and spinach omelet, the entire car ride to the store, until now – it’s just about 2 PM – pulling… READ MORE

December 9, 2014 / 1 Comment

Faeries and Pentagrams

I’ve been in this house before. As a matter of fact, I am here quite often. Because it’s my sister’s apartment, or to be more precise, William’s, her roommate. It’s a grand old Williamsburg loft, with rackety wooden floors, walls of… READ MORE

December 2, 2014 / 1 Comment